Government Relations Chair

Position Title: Chapter Government Relations Chair
The Chapter Government Relations (GR) Chair is a collaborative team member working with the
Chapter Board and National GR staff and is responsible for communication and monitoring of
legislative and regulatory issues that impact the massage therapy profession in their state.

 Must be a Professional Member in good standing.
 Must sign the appropriate AMTA Volunteer Code of Conduct.

The GR Chair is given authority through appointment by the Chapter President and approval by
the Chapter Board. The GR Chair also works in collaboration with the National GR Department.

The GR Chair is accountable to the Chapter Board by way of regular reporting of their activities
and legislative updates.

The GR Chair works closely with Chapter Board members and appointees, National AMTA staff,
legislatures, and outside groups and stakeholders (including but not limited to: lobbyists(s),
regulatory board, etc.) as applicable.


  • General Committee Chair Responsibilities
    a. Support activities within the Chapter at the direction of the Chapter Board
    b. Understands and complies with National AMTA Bylaws and Policy
    c. Attends Chapter meetings and Chapter Board meetings, as needed/directed by the
    chapter president.
    d. Accepts responsibilities delegated by the chapter president.
    e. Completes and submits reports to the Chapter Board as requested.
    f. Develop budget for committee and submit to Chapter Board for approval and inclusion in
    chapter budget
    g. Respond to Association communications on a regular and timely basis via phone, email, or other appropriate means as it pertains to their volunteer position.
    h. Identifies committee members and requests approval from chapter president
    i. Prepares and presents items to the Chapter Board
    j. Ensures committee activities are completed
    k. Ensures deadlines are met
    l. Ensures that activities are completed within budget
    m. Assigns work to committee members
    n. Is available to receive direct feedback from members for input.
    o. Maintains orderly records of activities and timelines relevant to her/his position during
    their term and supplies the chapter with those records to ensure a smooth transition.
  • GR Specific Responsibilities
    a. Ensures that all legislative and regulatory initiatives and activities are in line with
    National AMTA Government Relations policies.
    b. Keep current with AMTA’s national legislative priority issues.
    c. Completes and submits reports to the National GR Department as requested.
    d. Work with National GR team to initiate “calls to action” to engage membership in
    contacting legislators and stakeholders about important issues.
    e. Coordinate communication between AMTA National Office staff, chapter leadership, and
    lobbyists to ensure information and up-to-date reports on legislative activity are received
    by all the necessary parties.
    f. Solicit member and Chapter Board input on legislative issues and bill language.
    g. Monitor state and local legislation, regulation, and ordinances
    h. Build collaborative relationships between legislators and the chapter
  • Time Commitment
    The time commitment is approximately 2 – 10 hours per week, depending on Chapter and state
    legislative activities.
  • Vacancy
    In the event of a vacancy, the chapter president shall appoint, and the Chapter Board shall
    approve a new a new GR Chair.
  • Removal from Office
    Removal shall occur in accordance with AMTA bylaws and policy

October 2019 approved via motion #1019:45 (added 5/2023 sk)